Software of the Month Club 1998 May
Software of the Month Club 1998 May.iso
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DOS Batch File
540 lines
@echo off
echo off
::============= Quit if REQUIRED files aren't here. =============
If Not Exist MainMnu1.Com goto _I_Can't_Go_On
If Not Exist MainMnu2.Com goto _I_Can't_Go_On
If Not Exist Features.Com goto _I_Can't_Go_On
If Not Exist VertMenu.Com goto _I_Can't_Go_On
If Not Exist HoriMenu.Com goto _I_Can't_Go_On
If Not Exist Phone.Com goto _I_Can't_Go_On
goto Welcome
echo A required file is NOT here. I can't continue.
echo ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
echo Run Demo.Bat from the drive/directory containing: MainMnu1.Com, MainMnu2.Com,
echo Phone.Com, VertMenu.Com, HoriMenu.Com, Features.Com and SS.Exe.
SS 4 9 2 4 221 /Can't Find
SS 4 17 1 12 221 /Main Files
SS 15 25 23 112 3
goto TheEnd
::==== !!! Welcome to Sparkle ── the ULTIMATE batch file enhancer !!!
:: ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
ss -4 1 13 9 219 /Welcome
ss -4 10 32 11 178 /to
ss -4 19 13 11 219 /Sparkle
ss 1 10
ss 7 3 99
::==== Get the user's name ── IF they have enough "environment space."
cls :: ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
ss 6 1 1 1 80 78 32 /Welcome to Sparkle! Here's an example of Sparkle's GET INPUT Option./
echo We would like to address you BY NAME. Please type in your FIRST NAME below.
echo Please read Sparkle's manual for details on this powerful GET INPUT option.
ss 15 22 25 79 3
:==== draw a box over our scrolling banner using color 68 (red on red).
ss 6 18 3 24 78 -27 -250 / What should we call you? /
ss 12 22 15 78 15 1 / Please enter your FIRST NAME ── /YourName
If errorlevel 100 goto EnvironError
if %YourName%X==X goto noname
goto Name_Is_Okay
echo Name was blank. Please enter your FIRST NAME when we ask.
ss 15 12 23 13 3
Goto GetName
ss 17 13 219 0 1 /Thank you %YourName% /
Goto Name_OK
ss 6 1 1 1 80 78 32 /Sorry, we couldn't save your name./
echo We tried to save your name to an "environment variable." But
echo Sparkle reported an error. (That was polite, wasn't it?)
echo You may not have had enough ENVIRONMENT SPACE to SET (create)
echo an environment variable.
echo That's okay. No harm is done. We simply can't address you by name.
echo Please read Sparkle's manual for details on using the GET INPUT option.
echo And check your CONFIG.SYS file for a "SHELL=..." line. Look for the
echo "/e=###" option ("e" = environment space). Raise the number (###) by
echo 50 - 100. Then re-boot. Doing this might solve the problem.
ss 18 5
::==== Use Sparkle's WINDOW option to print a CENTERED 1-liner !!!
ss 6 1 1 1 80 78 32 / Welcome to Sparkle %YourName% /
echo We hope you enjoy this demo. And we hope you enjoy Sparkle.
ss 15 22 25 27 3
::=============== The Main Menu for this demo
:: ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
::==== "run" our main menu -- an "executable .COM screen."
::==== The next line tells Sparkle to find menu options starting in
:: row 11, column 28 through row 21, column 54. Highlight options
:: in color 94 (yellow on magenta). "1" means Vertical bar menu.
ss 2 11 28 21 54 94 1
If errorlevel 6 goto End ::this will handle [Escape] as well as "Quit"
If errorlevel 5 goto MoreOptions
If errorlevel 4 goto Menus
If errorlevel 3 goto ScreenEffects
If errorlevel 2 goto BigEverything
If errorlevel 1 goto Intro
Goto MainMenu
::================= MAIN Menu Options ====================
::================= MAIN Menu Options ====================
::================= MAIN Menu Options ====================
::============================ Intro
:Intro ::▀▀▀▀▀
ss 15 25 41 14 2
Goto MainMenu
::========= Demonstrate Sparkle's BIG! Fonts -- static and scrolling =========
::========= Demonstrate Sparkle's BIG! Fonts -- static and scrolling =========
ss 16 1
ss 18 1 27
ss 6 1 1 1 80 78 32 / Sparkle's attention-getting Big! Font (tm) options : : : /
ss -4 10 1 29 219 /Big! Fonts
ss 7 5 99
ss 17 26 178 0 1 / /
ss 17 26 178 0 1 /Or, SCROLL messages ── in a NORMAL font. /
ss 17 26 178 1 1 /Or, SCROLL messages ── in a TALL, BROADWAY font. /
ss 18 4 64
ss 6 8 3 16 77 -27 -32 / Were some scrolling messages j-i-t-t-e-r-y? /
ss 5 10 7 27 / A PC' speed affects how text scrolls across the screen.
ss 5 12 7 27 /E-x-p-e-r-i-m-e-n-t with BOTH normal and Broadway fonts on different
ss 5 13 7 27 /PCs to see which options work best on YOUR PC, and across PCs.
ss 15 25 40 13 2
Goto MainMenu
::============= Demostrate Sparkle's m-a-n-y screen-enhancing effects =============
::============= Demostrate Sparkle's m-a-n-y screen-enhancing effects =============
:: BRIGHT background colors
::==== ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
ss 11 0
ss -6 2 3 24 78 -3 177
ss -6 3 5 23 76 -131 176
ss -6 4 7 22 74 -192 176
ss -6 5 9 21 72 -211 219
ss -6 6 11 20 70 211 1
ss -6 7 12 19 69 -224 32
ss 4 8 14 224 219 /Bright!
ss 5 17 15 27 / This screen should blink like crazy. Press a key! /
ss 15 25 23 78 3
ss 11 1
ss 5 17 14 27 / We just turned BRIGHT Background Colors ON. IF you /
ss 5 18 14 27 / have an EGA│VGA monitor, colors should differ A LOT! /
ss 15 25 23 78 3
ss 18 9
ss 11 0
:: Windows
::==== ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
ss -6 1 1 25 80 27 1 /... This demonstrates Sparkle's very flexible WINDOW options ...
ss 6 3 4 5 24 112 1 / Frame Style # 1
ss 6 7 4 9 24 12 2 / Frame Style # 2
ss 6 11 4 13 24 123 3/ Frame Style # 3
ss 6 15 4 17 24 13 4 / Frame Style # 4
ss 6 19 4 22 24 26 -5 / Frame Style # 5
ss 6 3 55 5 77 112 254/Use any ASCII Char.
ss 6 7 55 9 77 12 21 / ASCII Char. # 21
ss 6 11 55 13 77 123 250 / ASCII Char. # 250
ss 6 15 55 17 77 13 240 / ASCII Char. # 240
ss 6 19 55 22 77 26 -15 / ASCII Char. # 15
ss 6 6 28 11 51 64 -32 / No Frame With Shadow
ss 6 15 28 20 51 64 32 / Or Without Shadows
ss 3 24 25 112 / /── Press any key to continue ──
:: Fades
::==== ▀▀▀▀▀
:: ==== turn dark blue backgroud colors ON
ss 16 1
:: ==== paint the screen blue (dark blue on VGAs)
ss 9 1 1 25 80 27 1
ss 17 29 178 2 1 /Fade screens out in many, dramatic ways... /
::====Turn bright backgrounds ON
ss 11 1
ss 18 3 231 4
ss 18 1 7 4
ss 18 2 167 4
ss 18 4 31 4
ss 18 5 151 4
ss 18 6 215 4
ss 18 7 39 4
ss -6 5 5 20 75 30 -5 / Now watch the S-P-I-R-A-L fade-out effect!
ss 7 5 99
ss 18 9
ss 18 8 13 4
:: Paint
::==== ▀▀▀▀▀
ss 6 1 1 1 80 78 32 / Sparkle's PAINT SCREEN option /
echo Here we're painting areas of the screen. You can paint anything from
echo a single character to the entire screen. And you can fill an area
echo with color, or paint a border around something. NOTE: If you have
echo a MONOCHROME monitor, you won't see ANY of the demos that use colors.
ss 9 10 4 14 80 18 1
ss 9 16 15 24 54 64 1
ss 9 8 70 20 75 39 1
: ===== Paint just the border here (thus the ending "0")
ss 9 7 35 23 50 94 0
:: Reverse Color
::==== ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
ss 6 1 1 1 80 78 32 / Sparkle's REVERSE COLOR option /
echo Now we'll REVERSE these colors -- reversing them 6 times each.
echo One use for this option is to draw attention to something on the screen.
ss 9 10 4 14 80 18 1
ss 9 16 15 24 54 64 1
ss 9 8 70 20 75 39 1
ss 9 7 35 23 50 94 0
ss 10 10 4 14 80 6 1
ss 10 16 15 24 54 6 1
ss 10 8 70 20 75 6 1
: ===== Reverse just the WHOLE THING here -- several colors will change!
ss 10 7 35 23 50 6 1
: ===== Now reverse EVERYTHING ON THE SCREEN !!!
ss 10 1 1 25 80 6 1
Goto MainMenu
::============= Demostrate Sparkle's MENU options =============
::============= Demostrate Sparkle's MENU options =============
ss 6 1 1 1 80 78 32 / Sparkle Offers THREE Types of Menus ── 2 with Mouse Support! /
echo ■ Sparkle offers VERTICAL Scrolling Bar Menus (the main menu is an example)
echo ■ Sparkle also offers HORIZONTAL Scrolling Bar Menus
echo ■ Finally, Sparkle offers ASK ── to get a user's choice, or simply to pause
ss 15 22 25 27 3
:==================== Demonstrate VERTICAL bar menus ===================
ss 2 4 7 22 37 112 1
If errorlevel 9 goto QuitChosen
If errorlevel 5 goto DOSProgram
echo You chose a WINDOWS program.
goto Broadway_Menu
echo You chose to Quit. But of course we have another MENU example for you.
goto Broadway_Menu
echo You chose a DOS program.
ss 7 4 99
::==== Use Sparkle's MONITOR option to see if they have a VGA -- since
:: we're about to load a Broadway Screen Font which works ONLY on VGAs.
ss 8
If errorlevel 6 goto Bway_Font
goto HorizontalMenu
ss 15 12 4 78 3 / IF you have a VGA monitor ── WATCH for Sparkle's BROADWAY FONT !!! /
::==== turn ON our Broadway font
ss 19 1
ss 2 4 7 22 37 112 1
:==================== Demonstrate HORIZONTAL bar menus ===================
ss 2 5 9 5 78 112 2
If errorlevel 27 goto H_Escape
If errorlevel 5 goto H_Word
If errorlevel 4 goto H_DOS
If errorlevel 3 goto H_Windows
If errorlevel 2 goto H_Fun
echo You chose dBASE.
goto Demo_ASK
echo You pressed Escape.
goto Demo_ASK
echo You chose to run WORD.
goto Demo_ASK
echo You chose to go to DOS.
goto Demo_ASK
echo You chose to run Windows.
goto Demo_ASK
echo You chose to have a little FUN!
:==================== Demonstrate ASK ===================
ss 7 8 99
ss 19 0
ss 18 6
ss 6 1 1 13 80 32 -32
ss 6 2 3 11 77 79 -1 / Finally, Sparkle offers ASK -- for text-mode OR graphics-mode screens.
ss 5 4 13 11 / Press a key to select the program you'd like to run. /
ss 5 7 17 11 / dBASE Sparkle P-Screen /
ss 5 9 17 11 / Quicken WordPerfect Lotus 123 /
ss 5 24 5 11 /Notice that Sparkle accepts ONLY one of the keys mentioned (or Escape).
ss 3 18 18 112 /DSPQWL / Press [D], [S], [P], [Q], [W] or [L] ── /
goto MainMenu
::================= 2nd Menu ====================
::================= 2nd Menu ====================
::================= 2nd Menu ====================
ss 2 11 28 24 54 94 1
If errorlevel 5 goto MainMenu
If errorlevel 4 goto DOSVersion
If errorlevel 3 goto View_File
If errorlevel 2 goto Prompts
If errorlevel 1 goto Sounds
Goto MoreOptions
::============================ Sounds
:Sounds ::▀▀▀▀▀▀
ss 6 11 30 17 77 79 1 /Sound Effects
ss 5 13 37 79 /Here are a few of the many sound
ss 5 15 37 79 /effects that Sparkle offers you.
echo on
ss 1 4
ss 1 5
ss 1 6
ss 1 7
ss 1 8
ss 1 9
ss 1 11
ss 1 12
ss 1 13
ss 1 14
echo off
ss 3 24 1 112 / /── Press any key to continue ──
ss 6 10 30 17 77 79 1 /Or play sounds over & over.
ss 5 13 40 79 /Press a key to stop. Or wait
ss 5 14 40 79 /until we do this 5 times.
ss 1 6 4
ss 6 11 30 17 77 79 1 /
ss 5 13 37 79 /Would you like to listen to the
ss 5 15 37 79 /William Tell Overture? (Yes\No)
ss 3 24 28 112 /YN /── Press [Y]es or [N]o ──
If Errorlevel 89 goto _WmTell
Goto MoreOptions
ss 1 99
Goto MoreOptions
::==== Demonstrate different PROMPTS
ss 6 1 1 1 80 78 32 / Sparkle's attention-getting PROMPTS /
echo There are many times in batch files when you want to Pause and wait
echo for users to press a key. DOS offers a Pause option, and Sparkle
echo also offers an ASK option. But Sparkle also offers other, dramatic
echo options. They let YOU control WHAT you see, WHERE it is, and what
echo COLORS to use.
echo You've seen several options earlier. Press a key to see them all.
echo NOTE: PRESS A KEY as EACH PROMPT appears.
echo Here's a TWIRLING BATON =====
ss 15 17 39 14 1
echo Here's an EXPLODING BUTTON ==
ss 15 19 39 30 2
echo And then there are BANNERS ===
ss 15 21 39 79 3
echo Or choose YOUR OWN scrolling banner ===
ss 15 23 46 79 112 / Display any message you like! /
Goto MoreOptions
::================ Demonstrate View File ================
::================ Demonstrate View File ================
If exist SS.Txt goto View_Doc
echo Sorry, I was about to demonstrate VIEW FILE by displaying Sparkle's manual.
echo But SS.Txt is NOT here. Press a key to return to the menu.
Goto MoreOptions
::1st, "fade" the screen out to create some color
ss 18 6 47 4
ss 6 1 1 1 80 78 32 / Sparkle's VIEW FILE option! Let's browse through Sparkle's manual! /
::2nd, "explode" a window inside which we'll display the file
ss -6 4 5 23 79 8 32
ss 6 25 1 25 80 78 32 / Press cursor pad keys to scroll through the file. [Escape] = Quit /
::finally, display our file inside the window
ss 14 3 2 22 77 27 /SS.Txt
Goto MoreOptions
::====== Demonstrate Getting DOS version/Monitor Type ======
::====== Demonstrate Getting DOS version/Monitor Type ======
ss 6 1 1 1 80 78 32 / Which version of DOS are you using? /
echo It sometimes helps to know which version of DOS is being used.
echo For example, certain programs can't run under early DOS versions.
echo Or you might need to know if certain DOS features are available.
ss 7 12 99
ss 13
If Errorlevel 63 goto Dos_63_Plus
If Errorlevel 60 goto DOS6
If Errorlevel 50 goto DOS5
If Errorlevel 40 goto DOS4
If Errorlevel 30 goto DOS3
If Errorlevel 20 goto DOS2
If Errorlevel 10 goto DOS1
ss 17 14 177 1 / Sparkle reports you're using a version of DOS higher than 6.2. /
goto Which_Monitor
ss 17 14 177 0 1 / Sparkle reports DOS 1.x is being used. /
goto Which_Monitor
ss 17 14 177 0 1 / Sparkle reports DOS 2.x is being used. /
goto Which_Monitor
ss 17 14 177 0 1 / Sparkle reports DOS 3.x is being used. /
goto Which_Monitor
ss 17 14 177 0 1 / Sparkle reports DOS 4.x is being used. /
goto Which_Monitor
ss 17 14 177 0 1 / Sparkle reports DOS 5.x is being used. /
goto Which_Monitor
ss 17 14 177 0 1 / Sparkle reports DOS 6.x is being used. /
ss 8 99
if errorlevel 3 goto Color_Monitor
ss 17 15 178 0 /Sparkle reports you have a MONOCHROME monitor. /
Goto MoreOptions
ss 16 1
ss 18 6 26 4
ss 17 26 178 0 /Sparkle reports you have a COLOR monitor. /
ss 16 0
Goto MoreOptions
::==================== End ====================
::==================== End ====================
If not exist Phone.Com goto End2
ss 1 88
ss 15 6 35 48 3 /Call (415) 863-0530 /
ss 18 8 13 6
ss 6 1 1 1 80 78 32 / Thank you for trying Sparkle %YourName%/
echo ■ We hope you enjoyed this demo %YourName%
echo ■ Type SS ─┘ for a summary of Sparkle's many options
echo ■ And please browse through Sparkle's manual for details on your many options
echo Finally, we hope you enjoyed the examples of our "executable .COM screens:"
echo the PHONE, the MENU SCREENS, etc.
echo We created these screens using P-Screen, another of our programs. With
echo P-Screen you can create a-n-y type of text-mode screen you like, with a-n-y
echo colors, and with any of 20+ Big! Fonts (tm) that we include.
echo Because P-Screen is such a useful companion to Sparkle, we offer a "package
echo discount" when you order them together. See TO-ORDER.Txt for details.
echo Goodbye %YourName%
:==== turn OFF any screen options we may have set: Bright BG, Dark Blue, B'Way
ss 11 0
ss 16 0
ss 19 0